Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Did I Die?

Pit, pat, pit, pat. The rain drops tap danced on the window of my car as I drove down the street of my neighborhood. I looked around at the newly-abandoned houses. Four of them were emptied after their owners were murdered. Five murders, four nights, one neighborhood; I shivered at the thought. Everyone was loved here in Orchid Path, we were all one big family. I still remember holiday block parties and babysitting kids who were like my own. I was brought back to reality when I saw more red and blue flashing lights. The cops had been scouring the street for the whole week. It was pointless, though, they didn’t find anything.

I finally reached my drive way after what felt like forever and I pulled into our two car garage. My boyfriend’s dirty black Jeep sat on the left of my white Volkswagen Bug. I put my car park and walked inside to the smell of potatoes cooking.  I stepped into the kitchen, gave Darren a kiss, and walked into our bedroom to change out of my green scrubs into sweats and a Nirvana t-shirt. I took my make up off, but left my hair up in the messy bun it was already in. I walked down the hall and back into the kitchen to find dinner already made.

“What is all this for,” I asked suspiciously. Darren never made dinner like this, unless… “Are you going out of town again?”

“Just for the tonight, that’s it!” he said.

“And you have to go now, and leave me alone while all of this is happening,” I motioned to the window where you could see the cop cars outside.

“I’m sorry! It was a last minute thing. I’ll be back first thing in the morning.”

I took my plate and walked into my bedroom again. I hated it when he did this. Or more accurately, when his boss did this. He walked in and sat on the bed next to me and embraced me in a warm hug. He went to kiss my forehead, but I turned away. I was still upset. He got up and shuffled into the closet. He grabbed a suitcase and a suit. He placed both on his side of the bed and proceeded to pack.

“I called Mr. Parker, he said he’ll keep an eye on the house. I also talk to officer Newbold. He’s having the entire squad watch the house as well,” He walked over to the armoire and reached in to pull out his 9 mill glock. He put the magazine in and cocked it. 

“Here, put the safety on for now, but just in case,” he handed me the gun and I gently placed it on my nightstand. He reached in for one last hug, and this time I let him kiss me goodbye.

   I waved him goodbye as the Jeep backed out of the driveway. As soon as the headlights disappeared, I went straight back inside, locked every door, every window, and set the alarm. I closed the curtains and ran into my room. I took the quickest shower of my life and changed into my pajamas and fuzzy socks. I grabbed the glock and went into the living room. I grabbed a blanket and curled up in it while I turned on Stranger Things. Almost immediately after I turned it off. I was already scared enough, I didn’t need that to make it worse. I decided to watch Finding Dory instead.

I slowly drifted to sleep, despite my best efforts to stay awake. I slept peacefully, until… someone was in my house! I tried to grab the gun, but my arms were trapped underneath the blanket. I tried to scream, but my long auburn hair draped over my mouth, suffocating me.

I jolted awake, breathing heavily, heart rapidly beating. I looked over my side to make sure the gun was still within arm’s reach. I got up to change the movie and grab some ice cream when I heard a knock at the door. I stopped dead in my tracks, and turned on my heels. I walked over to the front door. I looked out the peep hole to see it was only Mr. Parker. I ran over to disarm the alarm, and I opened the door for him.

“I’m so sorry if I woke you or scared you, I just wanted to check on you. Are you doing alright,” he asked.

“Oh no, don’t worry about it,” I replied. “And ya, I’m doing alright.”

I invited him into the house for something to drink. It was obvious neither of us could sleep. The bags under his eyes were miles deep. I made him some coffee and we talked for a couple minutes. I walked him to the door when I saw him reach for something.  I turned around to see that it was his own gun. I thought nothing of it, thinking it was for his own protection. I reached for the door handle when he yelled at me.

“Keep that door close or I shoot now!”

I froze. My heart dropped. My head swelled. I turned to face a pistol pointed directly at my brain. I looked to for the glock, it was too far away. I closed my eyes and tried to breath but no air would come into my lungs.  I knew the police were right outside my door, and Mr. Parker knew that too.  I made eye contact with him, and tried to figure out the situation. I reached my hand down slowly so that he wouldn’t notice. I analyzed the gun. The safety was still on. That gave me enough time to turn and run, as soon as… Got it! I opened the door and bolted out into the street. Two officers saw me and immediately went for their own guns.

I continued to run, trying to get behind something, a trash can, a tree, a police car, but each place was in perfect view of Mr. Parker. That’s when it started. I heard three shots fire, each one missing me, but close enough two me that I could feel it whiz past. The officers fired back. I looked behind me just in time to see a bullet hit him dead center in his chest, but not before he let one last bullet fly. The last thing saw before I hit the ground was Mr. Parker falling to the floor.